Saturday, November 14, 2009

R.I.P Zachary Headden

Yesterday I went on facebook to check some things before my next class and was devastated as to what I saw. My Drum Major for the 08 season, who helped me grow into a leader for my own team, who brought the show to life, and helped create the best summer died. That morning at around 3am he fell asleep at the wheel to crash and leave us. Pacific Crest is a family, a large family and no matter what I felt tears spring to my eyes.

I never knew him very well but I will NEVER forget him. He touched thousands with his actions as Drum Major and taught me so many lessons. My heart is empty for the man that was taken way to soon from us. Ave Maria is playing in my head and will never waver.

I remember once I went to a 09 show to see my Corp in action because I had injured myself earlier that year and couldn't march. At the end the World Class Pacific Crest asked all Alumni to make their way down. Many of my old friends joined me in being presented with a silver necklace with the Pacific Crest emblem. My heart was filled with joy at being with my family again and feeling like I belonged.

Thank you Zach, I will always remember my family and they will always have a place in my heart. I've cried for you in hope you rest in peace and wonder why you are gone. Zach you've touched a lot of people in your lifetime and I'm proud to say I'm one of them.

You better get some rest! We have a show in seven months. :) You better be ready because every single member is doing the show for you.

Goodbye Zach...
Becca: 'o8 and (hopefully) '10 Pacific Crest


  1. He was a fellow student at Mt. SAC. I just learned of it from one of my professors. I am saddened by this. :(

    I heard he crashed on the way to San Diego with another musician, Armando Duenas. He is in stable condition, but critically injured.
    Which is correct?

  2. Yea I heard he crashed on his way back from school wit Armando but I havn't heard anything about him...

    Really sad though :( he made a big impact on a lot of people.

  3. Becca, I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I'm glad you have written this nice tribute to him.
