Sunday, October 25, 2009

Chapter 28

Developing a search strategy was the chapter on starting your paper and getting everything you need. Unlike previous papers we’ve done you can’t just start writing the rough draft, first you need to get everything together and then you can start writing the paper. I’m glad they told us the difference between different sources and how to get them. I used to get really confused with the difference between a primary source and a secondary source was. Not only does it tell you what the difference is but how to attain it. What was interesting is a primary source can be questionnaires and interviews because you’re asking people firsthand about their opinion. Not only that but you can observe people and what they are doing if it has something to do with what you’re writing about. There are many different types of documentation styles which is ironic because in high school they prepare us for college and in college we don’t really use MLA that much. I’m really horrible with bibliographies because I always do it wrong so I feel I can improve that part of my writing with the help of the section and the paper. I’m glad I got refreshed on what an annotated bibliography was just in case for the future. This chapter is filled with information that makes you a better writer but not only that it goes above that. It gives you tips to take the information to a whole new level and get the best out of the tip. I found the chapter interesting and will definitely hang on to this book for a long time. If you have any questions it tries to answer them, I find it more helpful than a person for the fact that I can have it to my disposal.

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