Monday, August 31, 2009


Dear My Fellow Peers,
Writing in a sense is a love-hate relationship with a love on certain styles and absolute hate with everything else. I have a respect and appreciation for Sci-fi and poetry, making up crazy circumstances with intense detail. Other than those I really hate writing in any sense and I think English class is boring. I was born in White Plains, NY and moved to the OC when I was little and lived there ever since. I love music and art (especially doodling on my notebook during high school) I did 3 years of German and when I was younger learned to read Hebrew and speak a little bit to be able to keep up with my religious studies. I wish to learn Italian eventually and learn more German to become tri-lingual. In my free time I like to read Astronomy, Sci-fi, and anything else that looks interesting. I can also knit so if any of you want a Humboldt scarf let me know! I really became captivated with Humboldt because when I went on a walk with my Dad we walked into the quad and there was a band singing “Yellow” by Coldplay. They were really good and it set the scene of an atmosphere where I would want to live for the next part of my life. Just during my orientation I decided to acquire a major in Astronomy and hopefully a minor in Art. It reminds me of Sci-fi and makes me want to find out more about where we live. In many T.V. shows the worst that can happen to a character is that they die but in Sci-fi one character in the show I love died about 3 times. Imagine everything they can do? The possibilities are positively endless and I hope I can incorporate that into Astronomy. I think I’m a learner based on interaction and doing it myself a million times until I get it right, which aggravates me so I get quite a bit side tracked at times but I’m working on it. My strength is homework and my weakness is attentiveness and actually processing the material. My favorite quotation that I’ve heard around the school is “Kiss Our Axe,” making me proud to be a Lumber Jack!

1 comment:

  1. You wrote, "I decided to acquire a major in Astronomy and hopefully a minor in Art. It reminds me of Sci-fi and makes me want to find out more about where we live."

    Becca, there used to be a teacher here named Stone Brusca, who has since retired. But he was a genius at teaching a class called Cosmos that I think you would have really enjoyed.

    I attended a public lecture he did a few years ago called "How Big is the Universe?" He had everyone completely blown away with awe for the amazing universe and the tinier-than-tiny speck that is planet Earth. I was practically in tears at the beauty of things like the Horsehead Nebula, which he showed us giant colors photographs of. And at the end of his lecture, he sat down on a little red wagon with a small rocket attached to it, lit the rocket and went rolling down the aisle and out of the room with Elton John's "Rocket Man" playing loudly over the PA system.

    I know Brusca is gone now, but Astronomy teachers tend to be very excited about their subjects! It sounds like a fun and fascinating major.
